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How to add reservation from Google Calendar into On-Booking System

Google Calendar into On-Booking Cover

Adding reservation from Google Calendar into On-Booking system will speed up your online reservation process.

For many salon owners, speed is everything especially when dealing with walk-in and over the phone reservations. Needless to say, Google Calendar is the prefer choice for fast reservations over the phone. Salon owners love the single click action in Google Calendar.

After setting up hundred of On-Booking systems, we notice that salon owners use Google Calendar to capture and display daily activities while utilize the automatic confirmation and reminder functionalities of On-Booking to build relationship with their clients.

In this article, we will show you how to add reservation from Google Calendar into On-Booking System.

How to add a reservation from Google Calendar into On-Booking System

Here the steps to follow:

  • Select the desired date
  • Type the event title following this format:
user first name and last name, service name 1 + service name 2, user e-mail address ( only for new customers ), customer mobile number (optional), booking note(optional)
  • Click on “Add time”
  • Click on “Save”

Google Calendar into On-Booking

Synch success, synch error and synch alert

Once the synchronization has been performed you could have three different scenarios:

  • ERROR – the event title has a red circle – the reservation has not been created – look inside the event details and have a look at the error message
  • SUCCESS – the event title has a green circle – you’ll find all the reservations details inside the event
  • SUCCESS WITH AN ALERT –  the event title has a orange circle – the reservation has been created but you have a notice inside the event details

You’ll got an error message after the synchronization in the following cases and no reservation will be created:
  • misspelling the customer name
  • misspelling the service name ( refer to the “Services” section of Salon Booking plugin to see how you entered them )
  • entering an existing email address

You’ll got an alert message after the synchronization in the following cases but the reservation will be created anyway:

  • Choose a not available date
  • Choose a not available time
  • Choose a not available service